March 31, 2016

Will Your Child Pass or be Held Back?

Repeating a grade level in school

You may have a child who has so many bad grades, you are concerned about them passing or debating about holding them back. In our constant research on education trends, we came across this statistic:

6% of kids age 6-11 repeat at least one grade in school; 11% of kids aged 12-17 repeat at least one grade of school  (  

There are a number of things that contribute to this such as regular attendance, maturity, and study habits.  But one huge contributing factor to this statistic is these kids tend to miss some early foundational skills but advance anyway, then get to a point in subsequent years that they cannot move on without that skill.  At the Tutoring Club of Jacksonville, our diagnostic evaluation picks up on these skill gaps right away.  We are able to customize a learning plan for your student that addresses missing skills and catches them up to the desired grade level!  

If you notice that your child is struggling, we encourage you to call us right away at 268-8556 and let us help so your child does not end up getting held back a grade in school!

March 14, 2016

When Do I Know It's Time to Get Tutoring Help??

The purpose of tutoring is to help students help themselves and to assist or guide them to the point at which they become independent, successful learners. The Tutoring Club of Jacksonville is a great partner to help you get your child to this point!

There are many possible reasons why your child might need tutoring:
•Teacher or counselor recommends tutoring
•Grades are dropping
•Homework seems increasingly difficult
•Extreme anxiety before tests
•Self-esteem is dropping
•Loss of interest in learning
•Feelings of wanting to give up
•Resistance to doing schoolwork
•Reluctance to go to school

If any of this sounds familiar to you, please call us right away at 904-268-8556!

Tutoring can be beneficial in many ways:
•Provides personalized attention
•Improves grades
•Increases knowledge and understanding of subjects
•Increases motivation to succeed
•Provides intensive practice
•Allows progress at own pace
•Leads to better use of study time
•Improves self-esteem and confidence
•Encourages higher levels of learning
•Encourages self-directed learning
•Reduces competition
•Provides praise, feedback, and encouragement
•Provides review of skills not mastered but no longer taught

We can help - give us a call!

March 12, 2016

Messy Backpacks - How to get more Organized!

Oh no, we are seeing it again!  We have got to talk about the phenomenon of the trash-filled backpacks that have been coming through the Tutoring Club of Jacksonville lately!

While it is kind of funny on the outside, and we do get a little chuckle when students open up these seemingly bottomless pits of wadded up papers and food wrappers, it really is something that needs to be addressed!

Parents, please make it a habit to go through your child's backpack with them at least once a week.  Papers should be organized in a binder or folder according to subject, and then by date.  You may be surprised to find assignments they haven't turned in, because they couldn't find them!  You may also find assignments that will be coming due, like a project, that your child hasn't started yet because the paper was lost in the great abyss!  Organization is part of good study skills and habits.

It would also be a great idea to go over the planner to make sure your child is writing assignments in their planner.  You can show them the correlation between planned work (from the planner) to completed work (in their binders) to grades (online grade portal). 

Unfortunately, messy and unorganized backpacks aren't unique to any particular age group.  Many of our worst offenders are our High School students!  This is just one more way to plug into your child's success in school.  Make it a weekend tradition!

March 2, 2016

Reading WITH your child is extremely beneficial!

Many of our students come to the Tutoring Club of Jacksonville because they are struggling with reading.  While we focus on all the components and skills of becoming an excellent reader, there is something you can do at home to really enhance their reading competency.

Read to your child for 10 minutes then ask them 3 questions about what you read.  This will help them listen for details and pay attention to what you are reading.  Then have your child read to you for 10 minutes and ask  you 3 questions about what they read to you.  This will help them read for comprehension, remembering details and practicing their critical thinking when formulating their questions. Of course you can adjust this time down, depending on the age of your child.

In addition to practicing their skills, it will give you incredible bonding time with your child no matter what age.  You can read their favorite book, read from your tablet or device, or use their history textbook - just read! You can do this in almost any setting...your child can read to you in the car, you can read while you are preparing dinner, and before bedtime is a great way to end the evening.  Anytime is a great time to develop this reading habit and create sweet memories!